Wednesday, July 20, 2016

What a brilliantly exciting time we had dressing up in class. This was different from what we normally do because we dressed up a buddy! It was hard managing ourselves because we wanted to make our own choices and dress up in what we liked. It was tricky at first but then when we learned to collaborate with each other it turned out to be exciting. We tried all sorts of clothes and laughed all morning. Working with other people holds many different surprises.

Our Peace Focus. Our class loves this time each day. We light a candle and share positive ideas with each other. We share ideas about how we can help each other in class and in the playground. We also have learnt to recognise we are our own special gifts to each other so we need to look after each other. We feel quiet, peaceful and calm and we love to start our learning day like that.

We learned about a peacock and three hens who wanted to be like each other. They had to learn that they each had their own qualities that were special to them. We make peacock head banners. On each of the feathers we wrote lovely things about the gifts our partners had. We then wrote a message on the back and gave them to each other. We felt warm and fuzzy inside because someone had shared some special things about us. We learned that we are all unique and important to the world.

We are learning our Family of Facts up to 10. Mrs Girvan took us outside so we could practise writing them on the concrete. Now the whole school can learn from us! It was great fun doing our learning in the playground!

I love words. Every day when I come to school I get a white board and marker pen and write so many words. I am so proud of myself.

When we work as a team we achieve great things. We put all these puzzle pieces together and we helped each other to read them.

We are too cool for school! Our coaches said we are champions in the making! We had such fun learning the rules of Softball. Learning to do the overarm throw was tricky and learning to touch all the bases when we were making a home run was hard. If we didn't collaborate we would not have been such good teams.